Writing Rules and Page Layout

Manuscripts to be sent to the International Journal of Ahiska Studies should be arranged according to the following rules:

Publication Language

The publication language of the International Journal of Ahiska Studies is Turkey Turkish. However, in an effort not to forget and in order to keep alive the cultural values ​​peculiar to the Ahiska Turks, original or compilation studies written in the Ahiska dialect with the international transcription system will also be included. In addition, not exceeding one third of the total number, articles written in English, Russian and other Turkic languages will also be published.

Page Layout

The page size should be A4 paper size; margins should be 2 cm at the bottom-top and 3 cm on the left-right in the page structure. The text should be right- and left-justified; there should be 6 pt spacing before and after paragraphs; line spacing should be single-line, and the value should be 1.15. Paragraph indents should be 0.5 cm for the abstracts and 1 cm for the normal text and extended abstract. Indents: the abstracts should be indented by 1 cm; quotations of more than 40 words should be indented by 1.5 cm.

Font and Text Size

Texts should be written in Times New Roman font with 11 point font size. The point sizes to be used are as follows:

Turkish, English and Russian article titles 12 pt Bold
Author names 11 pt Italic
Author institution and contact information 9 pt Italic
Summary, Abstract and Резюме 10 pt Normal
Text 11 pt Normal
Quotations of more than 40 words 10 pt Normal
Footnotes 9 pt Normal
Tables 10 pt Normal
Explanations of tables, figures, photographs, etc. 10 pt Italic
Extended Abstract 11 pt Normal


Number of Pages

Articles to be sent to the International Journal of Ahiska Studies should be not less than 7 pages and not more than 25 pages long, irrespective of the number of words. The decision to publish or not to publish articles with more pages rests with the Editorial Board.



The title of the article should reflect its content clearly, it should be inclusive, and unnecessary extensions should be avoided. The title of the article should be written with the font type and font size specified in the table, and the first letters in the title should be capitalised.


Name of Author

The name of the author should come after the title of the article, and the first letter of the name and the whole of the surname should be written in capital letters in accordance with the font type and font size specified in the table. The ORCID number should be included under the author’s name and surname. The title (if any) of the author, the institution where s/he works and the e-mail address via which correspondence will be made should be given in a footnote. In articles created from postgraduate theses, the name of the student who prepared the thesis as the first author, the thesis supervisor as the second author, and the others, if any, should be written in order. In other articles, the order belongs to the authors.


Abstract and Keywords

The abstract, which should clearly and concisely reflect the purpose, scope, method, results, prominent aspects and evaluations of the study that is the subject of the article, should be limited to a minimum of 150 and a maximum of 200 words. The abstract should give an idea about the conducted study.

A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 “Keywords” should be given in order to classify the subject for Turkish by leaving a blank line after the abstract. After the Turkish abstract and keywords, the same information should be written in English and Russian. Starting from a new page, the English title of the article, the “Abstract” and “Keywords” should be given, and on the next page, the Russian title of the article, “Резюме” and “Ключевые Слова” should be given.


Extended Abstract

Articles to be published in Turkish and Russian should include an extended abstract in English of 700-1000 words after the references section. This summary should be written in paragraph form and in such a way as to cover all of the main ideas of the article.


This section should include explanations that will provide an introduction to the article. The situation in the literature on the subject should be revealed, and the importance of the research, the problem situation and the aims of the research should be stated.



If a main heading, intermediate headings and subheadings are used in the article, if no explanation is to be given after the “Main Heading”, and if it is necessary to write “Intermediate Headings”, they should be written left-aligned without leaving any spaces. “Subheadings” should also be left-aligned in the same way.

Original research papers should include “Method”, “Findings”, “Discussion”, “Conclusion” and “Recommendations” sections after the “Introduction” section.



This section should discuss the type of research, sample/research group, data collection techniques, data collection tools, and data analysis, as well as ethics committee approval for required studies.



This section should show the obtained findings with the relevant tables, figures, graphs or pictures in a way that supports the purpose of the study and the problem situation.



In this part, the obtained findings should be discussed with the literature and author’s comments.



Here, the ideas that emerged in line with the discussions should be presented in an explanatory manner.



In this section, recommendations related to the research subject should be given in accordance with the discussion and conclusion of the study.



The APA 7 guidelines should be taken into account when citing sources. In-text references and citations should be given in accordance with the language of the full text.