An Overview Of Graduate Theses On Ahıska Turks In Türkiye (1990-2023)

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  • Zaide Galip Akdeniz Üniversitesi



Turkey, Ahiska Turks , Nationla Theses Center, Postgraduate theses


With the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ahiska Turks gained the freedom of publishing. These publications are studies that can fill both the literary and scientific fields. In addition to the literary works that fill the written Ahiska-Turkish literature that could not be created for years, the theses prepared in the scientific field also stand out as important studies that will shed light on the subject of Ahiska and Ahiska Turks.

In this study, postgraduate theses on Ahıska and Ahiska Turks written in Turkey between 1990 and 2023 were discussed. A screening model was used in this study. During this period, 101 theses, including 22 Ph.D. theses, 78 master's theses and 1 art thesis, were retrieved from the database of the National Theses Center. In the study, these theses were classified and analyzed according to their subjects and years. The aim of the study is to present the dissertations written on Ahiska Turks in an organized manner. These publications are an important resource for understanding the history of this community and carrying it into the future. It is expected that this study will make important contributions that will guide new academic research on the Ahiska Turks.


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How to Cite

Galip, Z. (2023). An Overview Of Graduate Theses On Ahıska Turks In Türkiye (1990-2023). The International Journal of Ahiska Studies (IJAS), 3(2), 81–100.


