Katha-Lechek, the Traditional Headscarf in Ahiska Turkish Culture

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Ahiska, Tradition, Katha-lechek, Clothing, Headscarf


The aim of this paper is to examine the katha-lechek type headscarf, which is an important women's clothing in Meskhetian Turkish culture. When this veil and veiling culture is analyzed, it is seen that it is not a simple dressing, but there are special cultural patterns in it. Culture is a collection of material and spiritual values that have been produced throughout humanity and transferred from generation to generation. These values, by affecting the way of living and thinking, play an important role in distinguishing one society from another and create an identity quality. The rooted state of this identity is becoming traditional.

Clothing had an important place in history as it does today. People have differentiated their costumes and clothes for reasons such as protection from natural influences (hot/ cold weather), displaying cultural identity (clan and religion) and fashion. The use of head garments and headscarf, are dated back to very early dates. The Meskhetian Turks have their own unique clothes as well. Women's clothes also have their own beauties and functions. Katha-lechek is among these.

There are many factors that make up the shapes, material and variety of clothes. In order to understand the changes in Meskhetian women's clothing due to reasons such as relocation from the region where The Meskhetian Turks lived in the last century, migration from villages to cities, changes in age and fashion, the traditional way should be researched and revealed.

In the preliminary research, no scientific study was found about the katha-lechek headscarf. However, similar garments have been found in regions that share the same culture as Ahıska. It is important to investigate this traditional dress and its functions, which still is popular among the Meskhetian Turks, as well as the cultural pattern on which it is based.

The problem sentence of the research has been determined as “What is katha-lechek culture?”. This problem will be divided into the following sub-problems and the question will be answered. “What kind of tradition is katha-lechek? What is the function of the katha-lechek? (Why is it used, what does it do?), How is katha-lechek made? What is it made of?  In which geographies and cultures is katha-lechek seen? What is the current state of katha-lechek usage?”


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KK1: Lale Işık (Lola İşigova), Geleneksel Kıyafetleri Rekonstrüksiyonu, Çelyabinsk, Rusya. Görüşme tarihi: 17-18 Eylül 2022.

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How to Cite

Paşa Sakızlı, N. (2023). Katha-Lechek, the Traditional Headscarf in Ahiska Turkish Culture. The International Journal of Ahiska Studies (IJAS), 3(1), 1–26. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7988136


